We Are Models had 23 models at this year’s Moda Lisboa, titled Insight. Here’s a complete rundown on the shows:


Moda Lisboa started with a day full of presentations.

DANIELA ROSA wore Cristina Real’s creations, THOMAS and INÊS CARVALHO presented António Castro’s clothes and PRISCA and RAQUEL RAMOS did David Pereira’s show.


The second day had the highly anticipated contest SANGUE NOVO won by Carolina Raquel for whom BEATRIZ MACHADO and RAQUEL BRITO walked.

Rita Carvalho had ANA MIGUEL and ZUZIA on her show. ZUZIA closed the show for the designer with a strong red look.

Fresh face SAMUEL made his runway debut walking for Federico Protto, who won the Best International Designer Award. Alongside him were PRISCAJOAQUIMDANIELA ROSA, TOMÁS DINIZ and FÁBIO TAVARES who had the pleasure to open the show.

Female duo The had MARIA ROSARAQUEL BRITO and BEATRIZ MACHADO  walking for the brand.

ANA MIGUEL and ZUZIA walked right after for Opiar where all the models had their faces covered up.

JOAQUIM ARNELL opened the show for Archie Dickens. The designer took home the prize The Feeting Room Award and had FÁBIO TAVARESPRISCATOMÁS DINIZ, and DANIELA ROSA representing his collection.

FRANCISCO GUERREIRODANIEL S. MARIA ROSAFÁBIO TAVARESRAQUEL BRITO and PRISCA walked for Duarte brand a show who brought a lot of smiles and a dog into the runway.

Carolina Machado was the one that came up next. DANIELA ROSAANA MIGUELZUZIA and BEATRIZ MACHADO all did the show. DANIELA ROSA had two looks and was the last model to go out the runway.

Valentim Quaresma had once again a visually strong show. PRISCADANIEL S.FRANCISCO GUERREIROJOAQUIMSAMUELTOMÁS walked the show closed by FÁBIO TAVARES.

RAQUEL RAMOS also stepped on the runway for the first time at Moda Lisboa walking for Ricardo Preto. The show was opened and closed by ZUZIAANA MIGUELBEATRIZ MACHADO, DANIELA ROSA, RAQUEL BRITO and MARIA ROSA also walked for the designer’s show.

DAY 3 Saturday started at another location with RACHIDE opening for Constança Entrudo. JOSIANEMARIA ROSARAQUEL BRITO and INÊS CARVALHO were also amongst the models present at the show. João Magalhães was the next designer to show his creations. Previously part of the duo Morecco, this was the first solo show of the designer for whom JOAQUIM walked.

Next in line was Imauve. BEATRIZ MACHADODANIELA ROSA and SYLWIA walked for the brand of Portuguese creator Inês de Oliveira.

David Ferreira followed with SASHADARINARAQUEL BRITO and JOSIANE .

Carlos Gil, a show powered by Portugal Fashion had SYLWIA and ZUZIA as part of the casting.


Kolovrat had most models wearing green make-up on their faces. DARINARAQUEL BRITORACHIDE, JOSIANEFÁBIO TAVARES and JOAQUIM did the show.

Luís Carvalho closed the night with a wonderful collection.TOMÁSRACHIDE, ZUZIADANIEL S. and JOAQUIM walked for the Portuguese designer.

  DAY 4 The last day started with Nuno Gama’s show with RODRIGO and GABRIEL walking once again for the famous designer. After that it was Andrew Coimbra's turn. SASHA opened the show that also had JOAQUIMRACHIDEDANIEL S. and ANA MIGUEL.

JOSIANE who did the last campaign for Gonçalo Peixoto made the honours with a strong look at the designer’s show, alongside DARINA and SYLWIA.

Nycole, another designer presenting for the first time at Moda Lisboa had RACHIDE opening the show and JOAQUIM closing it. DANIEL S. also walked for the designer with two looks.

The next show was Ricardo Andrez. ANA MIGUELJOSIANESASHADANIEL S.RACHIDEJOAQUIM and RODRIGO were all present.

Aleksandar Protic showed his collection once again in Lisbon. The Serbian designer had DARINA and SASHA on his show.

Dino Alves closed this edition. JOAQUIMJOSIANESASHAANA MIGUELDANIEL S. and RODRIGO walked the show that had a standing ovation at the end.

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